Holidays and Special Events

Special Events

Winter Holidays

Winter Holidays Celebration

During the Winter months, children are exposed to holidays celebrated all around the world. We always expect a Santa visit during our Christmas celebration.


Halloween Celebration

Children have a chance to dress up in their costumes and 'Trick or Treat' during our celebration. Parents and Family are invited and children pick a pumpkin from our pumpkin patch.

Spring Celebrations

Spring Celebration

Children construct a giant Easter Egg and go on a Easter Egg hunt in the play yard.

Pre-Kindergarden Graduation

Pre-Kindergarden Graduation

Our biggest event of the year. After the graduation ceremony, we all celebrate with a family picnic!


Our Holiday Schedule

Our Future Tots is Closed on the following holidays:

Labor Day
Week of Thanksgiving
Week of Christmas
President’s Day
Memorial Day
One Day for Teacher Training

We are Open on the following holidays:

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Good Friday
Columbus Day
Veteran’s Day

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m.— 5:40 p.m. ( 5:45 P.m.— 6:00 p.m. School Closes )